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BRAND Vittorio Mura.

Handmade Sardinian pocket knife with steel blade, engraved ferrule and bovine handle.

The resòlza, also known as resòrza, resòrja or arresòja, is a traditional Sardinian folding-blade fighting and utility knife. In Sardinia, this term is widely used to describe all foldable knives.
Like the straight razor, the resolza's blade folds into the handle when not in use. Although the blade traces its origins to the Nuragic civilization, since it has always served as a nearly indispensable tool for agro-pastoral work, the word's origin dates from around the 17th century: the term in Sardinian is derived from the Latin rasoria, which translates to for "razor used for shaving".
Back in those times, the resolza was used as an habitual item of personal wear, assisting the herdsmen with their daily activities, rather than for defensive purposes. In the 18th century, many travellers visiting the island reported in fact that Sardinians (especially the society's most prominent members) generally carried either a dagger (sa daga) or a peculiar sabre on the belt (sa leppa de chintu) both to boost their social status and to dissuade others from any aggressive confrontation.

MATERIAL Steel and bovine horn.

YEAR 70s.

CONDITION Great condition. Some minor points of rust.

Blade - 2.5 inches / 6.50 cm.
Handle - 3 inches / 7.50 cm.
Total length - 5.5 inches / 14 cm.

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